8 Things To Think About Before Modifying WordPress Themes

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WordPress website owners should think about changing their themes. Your website and the people who visit it might change over time. You may have a more extensive website with a bigger following, or you could try to appeal to a different group of people. We’d suggest trying out a few WordPress themes, but the main problem is that moving things you’re used to can cause many new problems.

When you change WordPress themes, you change how your website looks and how you use it. This could also include tools for making changes and taking control of a website. In the same way, you may have made some changes to your present WordPress theme that may not be carried over to the new one.

So, today’s episode of Beautiful Themes will show you how to change your WordPress theme. But before you use this theme to make sure your changes to the theme go well, you should read this piece on WordPress Themes. Changing your WordPress theme is much easier when you’re sure you did the process well.

Keep A Backup Copy Before You Update

Even though it doesn’t happen often, you might break something when you update. Changing a WordPress theme without realizing it won’t work with something you need for your websites, like widgets, sidebars, or other front-end elements. In the same way, you may not be able to modify your New WordPress theme to fit all of your preferences, or you might lose some of your preferences from an older theme.

When things go wrong, it can be helpful to have backups. You can quickly get your website back to how you liked it with a backup reset and make changes to fit the following WordPress Themes change. If you want to learn more about backups in WordPress, you can read this post. In this post, we list some of the best ways to back up your WordPress site:

Pages And Modes Of Maintenance

Maintenance pages are one of the parts of WordPress that get the least attention. A Maintenance page can be significant when you make changes or improvements to your WordPress site. This lets you tell people that any problems with the website are not their fault and gives them a taste of what’s to come.

You can use maintenance modes and pages to take your site offline while you change your theme or make other changes to the front end. If people use your site while you’re making changes, they might be put off by the broken parts. We have an article and an in-house plugin that deal with this problem and can help you. It would help if you looked at it to learn more about putting the site in Maintenance mode.

Record Your Preferences And Changes To Your Present Theme.

Before you switch to a new theme, write down all the changes you’ve made to your current one. Over time, you may have modified your WordPress Theme settings and added external files. Before switching to the New WordPress theme, ensure you’ve kept track of all the changes to the theme’s file code and appearance settings.

When you switch to the new style, you might lose these extra changes and have to make them again. We recommend that you write down all of these extra bits of code and save them so you can use them later. This includes bits from Google, tracking codes, and changes to the theme.

Tracking Your Trackers

It is not surprising that the vast majority of websites employ the utilization of Google Analytics and Google Snippets. People typically forget the Google snippet codes once placed in a website’s header or bottom files. If you utilize this instead of plugins, these code snippets won’t be retained when you switch to a new WordPress theme.

As a natural continuation from the previous step, ensure you jot down these numerical values. You will require them for the most recent theme and might have to add them again. Please check to see whether you have added any code to the theme files at any point in time.

Testing Widgets, Plugins, And Other Parts

Switching themes allows you to use new features and tools like pricing tables, 404 pages, search bars, and new styles. Before you begin posting material, it’s an excellent plan to check out all of these features and see if they work well for your website.

Many WordPress Themes have cool new features and ways to use them. This includes both tools and plugins from outside the site. This involves our plugins as well, and as we said, it’s a great idea to make sure that your tools and plugins, both new and old, work correctly on your new WordPress themes.

Check If It Works With Different Browsers.

This website might work fine on the browser you’re using to test it. At the moment, it might also have problems with other website browsers. To make it clear that as many people see your content as possible, it’s a good idea to ensure your theme and its new changes work well on all devices.

This includes Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and mobile apps on different OS. Most websites need to test their pages on mobile platforms these days. You must ensure your new theme works well on PC and mobile browsers.

Website Speed Improvement And Loading Times

Before and after you make the design change, you need to determine how long it will take for your website to load. The WordPress theme you decide to use can considerably impact the time it takes users to load your website. You want the loading speed of your new theme to be comparable to or even faster than the loading speed of your previous theme.

Utilize diagnostic tools such as Pingdom to determine whether or not the load time of your website is optimal. The running time test is a great approach to determine whether or not to keep your current WordPress theme or switch to a different one.

Keeping Your Audience Up-To-Date On The Changes

No matter how many people visit your website, it’s a good idea to let them know about any changes you’ve made. Whether it’s a news site or a blog, it’s hard for people to get used to new changes, particularly when they don’t know about them. So, if you’re changing WordPress themes, tell your readers beforehand, and certainly not at the last minute.

Also, don’t forget to ask them what they think and feel about these changes and statements. Users interacting with and responding to your website is the best way to improve it; their notes about how it looks can also be critical. So keep an ear out for anything interesting.


Consequently, these are our recommendations regarding how to change themes in WordPress. Whether you’re going with a free or premium theme, it’s crucial to consider all of the factors outlined in the following paragraphs. You may also approach it like an event if that’s more your style.

Changing your WordPress theme demonstrates that you are willing to adapt to new ways of doing things and are going forward, which is often a positive sign. Honor the change, and be open to receiving and considering feedback to enhance the quality of your website.

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